News &

March 24, 2023
Tenant Maintenance For Rental Property

Signing a lease on a rental property is an exciting moment! It's the start of something new that holds all the possibilities in the world. But, as you take stock of your new environment and begin to settle in, you may have some questions about what exactly you’re responsible for in terms of maintenance. Every […]

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February 8, 2023
How To Organize A Small Kitchen

Storage space is limited in a small kitchen, but size doesn’t matter as much as organizing. Finding creative ways to make the most of what you have is important to effectively discover space-saving solutions to ensure your kitchen runs as smoothly as possible, regardless of its size. Here are some ways to help you maximize […]

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February 2, 2023
Globe Reveals New Office Art

At Globe Property Management, we are proud of our commitment to Canadian artists.  We are excited to present a new addition to our office art collection, “Today’s Tom Sawyer,” created by prominent Montreal artist and sculptor, Heidi Feldman Spector. The sculpture, made of a blue sphere on a black base, is inspired by the famous […]

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January 25, 2023
7 Simple Ways To Reduce Waste In Your Home Life

Trying to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle? A great place to start is waste reduction.  We fill our homes with so much stuff. Think about how much garbage you create each week! Now imagine if you could cut that in half simply by making changes to your lifestyle.  And if you’re looking for another incentive, […]

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January 17, 2023
7 Apartment Essentials For New College Students

So, you’re one of many new college students moving into their own apartment for the first time. How exciting is that?! Think of all the freedom you’re now going to experience. But before you say goodbye to college dorm life, you’ll want to ensure you have the proper apartment essentials.  Trust us when we say […]

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January 17, 2023
10 Things Every Adult Should Have In Their Living Room

Adulting. It’s such a big word. As you get older, being an “adult” sneaks up on you. Suddenly, you’re living on your own without a couch to your name. And you realize it’s time…Time to decorate the living room.  Maybe you’re furnishing a living room for the first time. You have no idea where to […]

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January 10, 2023
Questions To Ask Before Signing Your Lease Agreement

It’s been a long journey, but after weeks of browsing online listings and visiting apartment after apartment, you’ve finally found it. The one. The place you can hang your hat and call home.  Choosing an apartment is not something to take lightly. It’s a place you’ll spend much of your time in the next 12 […]

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December 9, 2022
10 Things Every Adult Should Have In Their Bathroom

Do you feel like your bathroom is missing a few essential items? Go over this checklist to find the 10 items every adult needs in their bathroom!

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December 9, 2022
7 Ways To Create An Entryway When You Don't Have One

Does the entryway to your apartment look a little lackluster? With these design tips, you’ll have a stylish and fun entrance area in no time.

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December 9, 2022
Decorating Your Apartment For The Holidays

The holidays are coming up, but you aren’t sure how to decorate your apartment for the festivities. We’ve put together a few ideas for you!

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