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February 11, 2020
Choosing The Right Apartment For Your Family

Finding an apartment is about more than just finding a place to lay your head at night; it’s about finding a home. There are a lot of things to consider when choosing an apartment, and a few different ways of finding the right fit.  Location, Location, Location The real estate mantra is just as true […]

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January 28, 2020
10 Things Every Adult Should Have in Their Bathroom

The bathroom is probably the only room in your house both you and your guests will use without exception. Yet we rarely think about how cozy or welcoming our bathrooms are, or if they’ll make a good impression on house guests. If you want your bathroom to be welcoming for both you and whoever you […]

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January 9, 2020
Save More by Cutting These 7 Expenses

In theory, we all know we should be prudent with our finances and save money for rainy days and retirement. However, putting this into practice is easier said than done, when the cost of living is increasing every year and wages are hardly keeping up. With all the bills that need to be paid every […]

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December 16, 2019
10 Things Every Adult Should Have in Their Living Room

The living room is the heart of your home. This is especially true in an era when people are increasingly choosing to entertain themselves and others at home—rather than head out to expensive bars and restaurants every few days. But, furnishing and decorating an adult living room for both cozy nights in and entertaining guests […]

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December 12, 2019
High-Impact Decorating Tips That Will Transform Your Apartment

Your apartment doesn’t have to be a cookie-cutter, boring space. While you can’t make permanent changes to it, there are still plenty of ways to turn it into a cozy home where your personal style truly shines. From window curtains to colorful rugs and wall decorations, here are some high-impact tips for overcoming décor challenges in […]

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October 22, 2019
Questions to Ask Before Signing Your Lease Agreement

Finding that perfect apartment is cause for celebration, and one of the next steps to make it a renter’s new home is to sign the lease agreement. But before renters sign on the dotted line and enter into a rental agreement, there are some important things they need to know and understand about this legally binding […]

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October 2, 2019
Prepping Your Apartment for Winter Weather

As much as many of us would like to extend summer (or fall) for another couple of weeks, the cold weather will be upon us like a blanket (of snow) before we know it. Before the first winter storms hit, make sure your place is ready to handle all the wind, snow, and sleet they […]

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September 13, 2019
Save Money While Living with Roommates

It is true that having your own apartment can be incredibly liberating! But for many of us — especially those of us living in cities where the real estate market is essentially laughing at us — this is not an option. For the time being, a large majority of the “new renter” population will have to […]

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August 30, 2019
7 Simple Ways to Reduce Waste in Your Home & Life

Waste reduction is one of the most important steps we can take as individuals to cause less harm to the environment. But living in a pre-packaged world can make the task seem daunting. The good news is there are plenty of ways to reduce how much waste we produce on a personal level. Here are seven […]

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August 21, 2019
7 Apartment Essentials for New College Students

Roughly 20 million students will be heading to college this fall. For first-year students, thinking about the upcoming semester is exciting — and stressful. You’ll be moving on and living on your own. If you’re moving to an apartment, it means you’ll need to buy a variety of items that will help you to live comfortably. Along […]

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