News &

October 22, 2021
Roslyn Square: A Local Treasure

Roslyn Square is a historic Winnipeg gem; the red building at the end of Osborne village is a neighbourhood staple. This five-story apartment block is just across the river from Downtown Winnipeg and stands out among surrounding buildings for its distinct colour and profile. Although the property is somewhat of a local icon, not many […]

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October 19, 2021
Downsizing Checklist: Steps To Staying Organized While Moving

You only have so many cardboard boxes, but you have so much stuff to pack. Are you thinking of downsizing before you move out? By cutting down on clutter, you’ll enjoy the following benefits: Less mess, less stress! When you’re surrounded by clutter, it adds unnecessary stress to your life. By reducing the number of […]

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October 18, 2021
What Are Apartment Utilities & How Much Will They Cost Me?

When you’re budgeting for your apartment, make sure to account for the cost of utilities. If you don’t, you’ll be in for an unpleasant surprise when you get your first month of bills.  We’re going to give you an overview of the utilities you’ll need to consider when you’re renting an apartment.  Before we dive […]

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September 10, 2021
Back-to-School Apartment Hunting

Looking for an apartment during back-to-school season can be stressful for students. There’s already enough to worry about with organizing class schedules, meeting new profs, and lamenting the loss of your summer vacation. To ensure your new home is compatible with your student life, consider these qualities when apartment hunting! Convenience of Location The location […]

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August 11, 2021
Things To Discuss With Your Roommate Before You Move In

Shouldering the cost of rent is tough to do on your own. Why not cut the bill in half by sharing your apartment with a roommate? Like any relationship in your life, be it with a friend, family member, or partner, communication is essential. When you share a space with someone, unresolved issues can make […]

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July 19, 2021
Things You Should Do Right After Moving Into An Apartment

You’ve just carried the last box into your apartment. Finally, you can put a wrap on moving day! You’re ready to order a pizza and call it a night. You know that you need to unpack some boxes and set up your bed for a long night of rest. But what are the other things […]

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June 10, 2021
How To Make Your New Apartment Feel Like Home

You fell in love with your apartment when you first saw it, and wondered how it would look with all your belongings in it. Moving day is finally here, and you’ve just unloaded the last of your things into your space. But something is missing. Everything feels new to you and the suite is missing […]

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May 18, 2021
Storage Hacks For The Limited Space In An Apartment

You’ve fallen in love with an apartment. It’s in a great neighbourhood, it’s close to your favourite amenities, and it’s within your budget. There’s just one problem: It’s a little too small! Are you short on space? You’re not alone. Countless new apartment dwellers have hauled their boxes into a new space, only to discover […]

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May 4, 2021
Winnipeg Real Estate Acquisition Company Announces Acquisition of Winnipeg Apartment Complex

WINNIPEG, Canada - Globe Capital Management, a highly successful real estate acquisition company headquartered in Winnipeg, Canada, is delighted to announce that they have just completed their latest acquisition - the Norvilla Apartments in Winnipeg, Manitoba.  The completely renovated, 110-suite property is situated in the heart of the family-oriented residential neighbourhood of North Kildonan. It […]

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April 16, 2021
Is Tenant Insurance Right For You?

Let's face it: renting can be very expensive, especially if you are moving out on your own for the first time. After subtracting rent, utility payments, and other monthly expenses, you can be left quite strapped for extra cash. This is why a higher percentage of renters drag their feet when it comes to getting […]

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